Principles of the POLIGON 1 Regular Customer Program

Principles of the POLIGON 1 Regular Customer Program


Under the terms of the "Regular Customer Program" is meant the program of the Permanent Customers SIA POLIGON 1 in Latvia and accordingly the Permanent Customer is a private person who participates in this program. POLIGON 1 grants privileges to regular customers purchasing services and goods in the entertainment centers of POLIGON 1.

Joining the Regular Customers Program


Anyone who has reached the age of 15, a citizen of Latvia, a resident or a guest can become a regular customer of POLIGON 1. The person who applied for the POLIGON 1 card to obtain a privilege card becomes a permanent customer. Regular customers may be asked to issue an additional privilege card POLIGON 1 to specific individuals. The holders of the additional privilege card POLIGON 1 are also POLIGON 1 Regular customers, must be at least 15 years of age, and when applying for a privilege card, they agree with the terms of the POLIGON 1 Regular Customer Program.


POLIGON 1 retains the right at any time to unilaterally change and clarify the terms of the Regular Customers program, contributing to the development and improvement of this program. A person wishing to become a Permanent Customer should fill in a written application in any of the entertainment centers POLIGON 1. The information indicated in the application is considered confidential.

Customer data processing and marketing


POLIGON 1 processes these persons in accordance with Latvian law. POLIGON 1 processes the data in the Permanent Customers register, making customers on the list and selling goods and services to customers. The data can also be used when providing services and goods from partners cooperating with POLIGON 1, if the customer does not prohibit this. Registered data will not be disclosed and used outside the Regular Customers program. The description of the registration of the Regular Customers program is available in the Department of Permanent Customers. The basis of the recorded data includes data that the customer discloses POLIGON 1, when submitting an application or later. The register is also used to drive purchases made by the loyal client when using a regular customer card, to calculate various savings and ensure a higher return on direct sales.



POLIGON 1 can regularly send to the Clients information about privileges and discounts for Regular customers


A regular customer may prohibit the use of his contact information for the distribution of promotional material for the purpose of selling. For this, the Permanent Client should inform the Administrators in one of the entertainment centers POLIGON 1. The prohibition of direct sale is valid for one particular person.

Waiver of permanent customer status


Permanent Customers have the right to refuse the status of the POLIGON 1 Permanent Customer, the refusal occurs in writing or by phone, informing the POLIGON Customer's Department of Permanent Customers. 1. In case of a fault, POLIGON 1 has the right to cancel the status of the Permanent Customer of a particular person.

Other conditions


The cards are nominal, the card can be used by the person to whom it belongs. It is necessary to inform the Administrator of the entertainment center POLIGON 1 about changing the person's data or contact information.


In case of loss of the POLIGON 1 Permanent Customer Card, the issue and issue of a new card is 2.00 EUR.


POLIGON 1 in the right to vary the terms of the program of Regular customers, announcing it on the official website

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